Natural As Possible Induction??

Amanda • 🌿🌰🌱

I'm scheduled for an Induction for some unexpected medical issues, but with a lot of discussion and what not, I've got my dr to agree that he thinks it's best/okay to atleast wait until my due date. (As a side note I'm totally bummed becuase I was excited to know what it's like to go past my due date and as it's unfortunately my last pregnancy, and ive never been able to experience natural childbirth. And I'm going to miss being pregnant. 😔)

Anyhow, I'm wondering what I could try to avoid a ton of pitocin. And other stuff.

I'm starting EPO, nipple stimulation, having sex. Etc. My dr agreed that (hopefully I go into labor before then, but if i dont) when i show up for the induction, we'll start with the smallest dose of pitocin and very gradually work our way up if labor doesn't ever pick up on it's own. And should it pickup on it's own, we'll start decreasing pitocin. What I forgot to think or ask about is, why can't we start with a membrane sweep? I'm only barely 2cm and it's horrible getting checked... But it's gotta be more comfortable than pitocin... is there risk of damage to the cervix or something? Can I still just have a heplock and self hydrate? Can I still have intermittent monitoring? I've heard that if you deny monitoring, some hospitals just threaten to stop pitocin... doesn't sound like much of a threat to me. Lol Of course I'll have to actually talk to him about these things, but I wanted to hear what you guys' experience was and hoe close to natural you were able to get!