Pcos back pain questions


I have PCOS (was diagnosed in November, not given any information on it or about it) I did some research and I found back pain is common. I’ve had back pain since late Thursday night early Friday morning waking me up. It also wraps around the front and is 10x worse than period cramps. It’s to the point I can’t sleep unless I pass out from pain. Is that normal? How can I tell if this is just a common symptom that’ll go away vs a cyst rupturing? Pain is so bad I wanna cry. I’ve tried taking Midol and Tylenol. I’ve tried a heating pad, hot shower, cold shower, ice packs. Pain is starting to make me nauseous. I’m at a loss. Any advice or more info I should look up for PCOS?

If it helps I don’t think it’s my period starting. My last period was the end of June and lasted two weeks. I don’t want to go to the drs or hospital incase it’s nothing but idk what any of this is like. I normally have back pain but not like this. Normally it goes away within a day or two.