

So I’m 25w3d today and my OB sent me over to get monitored in L&D yesterday because I was having excruciating back pain and she wanted to rule out preterm labor. We ruled out preterm labor pretty quickly but while I was on the monitors, baby’s heart rate dropped significantly from 145 to around 70 and stayed there for about 30 seconds before slowly coming back up and then it was very rapid for another 15 mins or so (around 170) before leveling out to the 140s-150s again. The on call OB did NOT like this and kept me on the monitors for 2 more hours to see if it happened again. Thankfully it didn’t and baby was kicking away after that initial recovery period, but they weren’t really able to offer me any explanation or reassurance other than “he probably just sat on his cord”. They were happy with his heart rate for the rest of the monitoring and they said other than that one episode everything looks really good. They’re having me come back this morning to do a NST and I’m so nervous I literally didn’t sleep at all last night. This is my rainbow baby and I need him to be ok. Has this happened to anyone else and their baby was ok?