Something has been bothering me


Yesterday I told my husband that I was turning the ac on to see if it would work bc it broke, we have an ac window unit for now until Friday. Anyway, somehow we were talking and I said that I turned the ac down and he told me that he told me not to. And I know like hell he didn’t. He ended up getting a real shitty tone after I was like no u didn’t and I snapped got up and walked off to our bedroom and ended up crying.

My 11 year old son saw that I was crying and came in to comfort me and told his dad (stepdad) and he came in the room and sat on the bed and started rubbing my hand.

But never said sorry when he knew what he did.

And now I’m just like wtf. Do men just suck at apologizing? Like how hard is it?

He doesn’t abuse me but here lately he has been real snappy n shit to the point to where I don’t even want to ask him for help anymore bc he will either not answer me when I ask or he will forget. And I’ll be like did u hear me and he will act annoyed. Like whatever I’ll do it all by myself then. 😏🤦🏻‍♀️ He’s been like this since our daughter was born. Maybe before that too I honestly can’t remember but for sure after she was born his attitude got worse. Oh but today he was fine no attitude at all. He confuses me.