Heartburn causing mucus and sore throat?

Michelle • wife🌻 mama to baby girl Heidi and Blythe 🐝 Pregnant with surprise gender baby #3 🌱

Okay so last night was weird.

I forgot to take time before bed and woke up an hour later with burning heartburn. I ignored it and went back to sleep somehow lol. The second time I woke up my throat felt like it was covered with mucus and I had to constantly clear it every minute. Today I have a sore throat and it’s a little hard to take a deep breath through my mouth. I swabbed for Covid and that’s negative, but should I go pick up a finger oxygen meter? I’m worried about baby’s oxygen levels, but also wondering if this is just the effect of gnarly heartburn. 😭

We also need our air filter replaced next week, that’s a factor too lol