Getting clingy again?


I feel like it's pretty typical at this age for them to have clingy moments still, am I right? Any of you experiencing this from time to time? My son doesn't go to preschool, but we get out a lot and see others kids and people a few times a week. He's usually just fine as long as I'm around. He's always been a little bit clingy and worried about where I am. But all of a sudden he does not want to be left in the Sunday school room anymore. Should I assume something has happened to make him start getting clingy again (maybe something stressful or mean in the class, or maybe a response me and my husband may have had to make him feel insecure) or does it just happen still randomly? The Sunday school teacher will sometimes seem bothered by it but idk if she's taking it personally or if she thinks there's an issue. She's very good with kids and we love her.