6w + minimal symptoms (history of loss)


Hi everyone!

I am new to this app, lovely to be a part of this community. ✨

I have been trying to conceive my first child, but I have had four losses in the last 1.5yr, so I am extremely anxious about this whole process. My lines had never become this dark with the previous losses, so this makes me hopeful, but I’m having very minimal symptoms, which is worrisome to me. I have PCOS and Endometriosis, so I’ve always been worried that these disorders will play a part in disrupting a pregnancy.

I contacted my doctor two weeks ago to inform her that I had tested positive on an at-home test, but she hasn’t been very responsive to me and didn’t even want to schedule so much as a phone appointment until tomorrow… I have the phone appointment tomorrow, but they didn’t schedule blood work, scans, or anything else like that. Just feeling unsupported and a little isolated, I guess.

Does anyone have any suggestions about what to ask the doctor on the phone tomorrow?

Does anyone have any input about the fact that I am having minimal symptoms?

Does anyone have any tips on things to do or not do to decrease my chances of yet another loss?

Thank you so much & I’m excited to be on this journey with you all!