Boyfriend’s family doesn’t like me, don’t know how to deal with it


I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year now, I’m (21) he’s (20), since the beginning of our relationship they have been finding any reason not to like me, from his dad stalking my Instagram page and his sister looking at my social media.

Backstory: His parents are divorced his dad cheated on his mom and ended up getting with the girl he cheated on her with, which is now my boyfriends stepmom, he lives with his dad, I’ve met his real mom she has never been disrespectful towards me and also invites me with them to go eat here and there. On the other hand his dad, sister and step mom, are all against our relationship, his dad’s reasoning is that he doesn’t like me because I remind him of his ex wife (my bf’s mom) they think I’m controlling and that they are scared I will trap there son or get pregnant, which is not true our relationship is healthy I let him do his own thing with his family and his friends, but ever since I’ve gotten in the picture they made remarks to him say he is a P**sy boy and that he’s to whipped and that he should learn to say no to me and basically treat me like crap when my boyfriend isn’t like that he’s in fact the opposite and respectful and sweet to me, my family adores him and I do too, my boyfriend has gone to defend me in some situations only to no avail it comes back to me because they say stuff like “you changed because of her” “you are not the same”. My boyfriend and me aren’t really allowed to hang out his dad has his location, he has to ask him for permission to see me, he gets mad if he’s on FaceTime with me, saying he can be doing better things with his life than having a gf. I find this very upsetting, they judge me and don’t know me I have yet to have actually truly met them since the whole year I’ve been with my boyfriend, his sister says things like I don’t think she’s the one for you, or you haven’t experienced life enough to think she’s the one, the family doesn’t see you being with her, it just breaks my heart because to me my boyfriend is the love of my life I truly love him are relationship has gone down hill since they always intervene, it makes me sometimes insecure and doubtful of us and I don’t know what to do my boyfriend tells me not to care about what they think but it’s just so hard not too.