Should women in labor/giving birth make gift bags for their nurses?


I came across this video on Instagram today that said:

And the video shows her putting together these bags with hair clips and gum and chap stick….

My first thought is that it’s a sweet gesture but then I thought about how the nurses that were there during my delivery were so impersonal that they didn’t even bother to remember my name. I didn’t have the best birth experience with the hospital staff and I didn’t feel truly taken care of so maybe that’s why I feel this way, but it made me feel a little uncomfortable. Like this is their job. Pregnant Women shouldn’t feel pressured to give presents to their hospital staff. They are the ones pushing out or getting cut open and delivering a whole baby and the experience should be about them. Anyways, not trying to get people upset. I just don’t think that stuff like this should become an expectation. It puts a lot of pressure on women when they are already going through a huge life change.

What do you think of this?