39 weeks 1 day delivery 2nd pregnancy


I tried everything under the sun to go into labor. You really won’t go until you body is ready. I forced myself to eat dates which were really gross 😂. The only thing I can think of that put me into active labor was spicy mcnuggets from McDonald’s I hade them at 9pm on 8/14/22

Started mild contractions on 8/14/22 at 10pm with 10-15 mins apart no pain to waking up to moderate contractions at 8 am with 5mins apart; went to my regular check up and I was 4cm at that point. Went home tried to rest but was to excited. Went to the birthing center at 4pm was 5cm at that time with contractions 4-5 mins apart that were painful. Got a epidural around 7pm thinking I could go without it was silly me 😂. Started pushing baby Cole at 1130pm and he was out at 11:43 pm: born on 8/15/22 weighing 8lbs 15 oz, 20cm long.