3 month long period !?!?!


Say whatttttt???? Lol that’s right I had about a 3 month long period maybe even longer 🤔 this period started may 6th 2020 this period was super heavy some day I was bleeding through super tampons every 30 mins. Some days I’d have to leave work because I bleed through or just fainted. I went to the er 2 times during these 3 months because of fainting. I made many dr appointments my obgyn put me on a hormonal pill (not birth control. I didn’t want to be on birth control because I don’t like it) the hormonal pill was to stop my period . Well it didn’t work . They tried another one that also didn’t work so then I caved and tried birth control. I took the pill in hopes that that would finally end this period from hell! Well I got my hopes up because my period slowed down for a few days . But eventually it picked back up to my heavy bleeding through ever 30 mins to an hour. So after many let’s downs and many many boxes of tampons later my dr recommend me to take the pill 2 times a day . Well same thing happened my period slowed down a few days . Then boom . Back at it and better than ever 😅😂😂 so when I tell u I was miserable I mean it ! This period took everything out of me . It ruined my mental health my self esteem my energy and more . So I made another appointment I said to my dr none of this is working and I can’t keep living like this . By this dr appointment I was in tears . So my dr said f it at this point … all my tests were normal . All my ultrasounds were normal nothing was explaining this bleeding so he chose to do a d&c the next day ! So we did the d&c and after that I bleed for another …. Mmmm maybe 2 weeks 🤔 then after that I haven’t bleed since…. Thank gosh !! Well he said while he was in there he found some polyps which he said was weird for my age … but we are hoping that this was the reason for my 3 month period. And pretty much now I’m in the waiting game and waiting for my next period … that may or may not even come 😅 fingers crossed it does and it’s normal 😂😂 I just want to get this crap over with so I can start my life and have some babies 😂 anyways that’s my story. Just wanted to put it out there in case some one else is going through something similar…. Feel free to ask questions out in ur opinions 🥰