Sex drive

Me and my partner been together since our 11th grade year - 2013. We have a son together who is now 4, will be 5 this year. Anywho, I have had the IUD mirena since I had our child, so this makes the 5th year soon with it im but as you know they extended the length of the IUD now to 7 years and I’m just so indecisive and in between about having it removed now or just wait the 2 more years (I just don’t know if it’ll be as effective since they just extended it). The major issue I’m having is getting moist without having to rub my clit every time. It’s annoying because I use to get naturally wet but now I’m only wet inside (if that make sense) so I’m wondering is it something with the IUD maybe or what?

* I do plan to have more kids

*This is nothing new, just now speaking on it. It’s been years and my OBGYN say everything is fine and looks fine.

*Thanks for your advice and opinions in advance. 😌