Black heads? Sebaceous fillers?

I never really had “teenage” acne. I’ve had a few breakouts here and there but lately, like the last two months or so, it’s been pretty bad. I always

have several on my face. I quit wearing make up in 2020 (for the most part). I used to get bullied so much in school and called names about my looks, I would never leave the house without make up on (once out got out of regular high schoool, I was home schooled after 9th grade). I never really knew much about skin care when I was younger so I didn’t really take care of my skin but in 2020, with Covid on the rise and mask where required every where, I just quit bothering. No one seen my face except for my eyes so I was able to get my self out of that habit I was in. I got into skin care a bit and tried some things I felt really helped. But I recently started some medication and I’ve been breaking out a bunch. That bothers me, but I’ve also had these white (almost looks like black heads, but white?) clogs around my chin area for a while. I’ve tried several different face washes like CeraVe, La Roche, L’Oreal, etc. The spots never got away. I’ve used the little tool thing you can’t buy at the drug store for cleaning pours and it’s white gunk that comes out (TMI, sorry) and it usually just makes that spot break out. I’ve tried to find these particular clogs on google but couldn’t find exactly what they where called, if there is a name other than sebaceous fillers. Like I mentioned above, it’s almost like black heads. Does anyone have any insights on how to get rid of it? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

I couldn’t get a clear photo that really shows how it looks in person.😞