Sleep regression. Help

Ashley • Mama to a baby girl ❤️

Hello. Hoping for some advice. My baby started sleeping through the night early on (around week 4). She will be 7 months next week. Two weeks ago we transitioned into an RV from a home to start our traveling adventures. With this move, came my daughter's regression. She now wakes up at 1 am and 4 am (goes to bed between 9:30-10 pm). At first I thought she could be going through a growth spurt and thats why shes waking up but I'm not sure if it is because she went from her own room to sharing a space or if a regression like this is normal around this age. She takes a bottle for the 1 am feed and water for the 4 am. I do try to see if I can put her back to sleep first but she always wants a bottle. She does eat before bed as well. She typically wakes up around 7 am for the day. Any advice, tips, tricks are greatly appreciated. I would love to get my girl sleeping back through the night again. Not so much for me because I have horrible insomnia and rarely get a decent night of sleep or any sleep for that matter some days so her waking up doesn't bother me, it actually gives me something to do other than stare at my ceiling fan but so she can have a good night's rest.