
Shawnna • I am 39yrs.old live in NYC 🏙 Wife 💍 to the love of my life💗💏😍😘 #librawoman♎️ 10|3🙋🏻‍♀️ My 2 #angelbabies👼🏼👼🏼 in heaven🙏🏻 10|2020🥺9|2021🥺

I haven’t gotten a period since April. I do have irregular periods. Which makes it difficult to know if I ovulated or not. My Gyn doctor gave me HCG blood test. My results came in last month. Saying I was “Negative” (NOT PREGNANT)

That was In JULY. Also took some other tests too. Everything came back NORMAL. Only thing was that

my FSH & LH Level’s was in the (MENOPAUSAL RANGE).

So okay… I started waking up out my sleep to have to pee. Which was strange to me. Bcuz I couldn’t even hold it. Even during the day too. So fast forward it continue to happen. I had some PT’s in the house. So I took it & I was amazed it was Vvvvfl. That was on 17th of August. I then took PT today & still Vvvvfl pop’s up in the time frame. I am not understanding what the heck is going on. I have appointment with my Primary doctor tomorrow. (FOR CHECK UP) Even though he’s not my Gyn doctor. I will run it by him for feedback. He always helpful. I know he’s going to want me to do a HCG blood test. Which I will gladly do. He’s always up on it since my miscarriage. I need some ANSWERS!!! 😩 The Vvvvfl just isn’t accurate ENOUGH for me.

Have any of you Ladies gone through this before???? Or going through it now? Something Similar????

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