My grandma may have predicted my pregnancy.


My grandma is on her deathbed. Last week she had a dream about me being pregnant and she maintains that I am really pregnant. My husband and I having been trying almost a year and I was trying with my 1st husband as well but lost both pregnancies early. My current husband's birthday was the 16th and also the day I ovulated. We had both decided last AF that we needed a break from trying but I wasn't going back on the pill. Lately I have been extremely sick. Been throwing up every morning and I had no energy whatsoever. It got so bad I had to make an emergency doctors appointment today for medicine. Had a weird metallic taste in my mouth a few times. Hubby and I were talking tonight and he casually admits how great my chest is and that the nipples look darker. I've also had weird cramps and my CM hasn't changed much since ovulation. I think grandma was right.