Moving in together

Im in grad schoool living at home. I have a few classes left. bc I decided to do this, I do not have much saved up rn. I would like to have at least 20-30k before moving out and im not close to that. im also depressed, getting better but it’s still affects me. my bf just got a new job in the city and he lives at home w his fam too. his commute will be like two hours everyday. he’s already years into a career, and im barely into mine. we’ve been dating for almost three years. my bf wants to move close to his job but is waiting for when im ready. he starts this job in two weeks and I can already tell he’s gonna start pressuring me. I know this is gonna be a problem for us. we don’t really fight but I sense this. im not settled into a job and I feel like spring time would be good for me to start looking. I would love to save more bc im getting such a late start. he’s already asking to move. it’s really hard. I love him but even my parents are saying don’t let someone pressure u. im scared he’s gonna start doing that. does anyone have any advice??? his job is higher paying. i only work part time rn as a nurse but my salary is not great since I chose a non stressful nursing job while in school. please help…. I don’t think ill be comfortable moving out soon with the funds I have.