
So I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks ..at 6 weeks had spotting that wat the doctor told me....and from 4 weeks until 7 weeks (6 home pregnancy test All positive)

Doctor visit at 5 weeks (blood test and urine positive)

Went to the doctor Aug 24th 7 weeks ...she did a ultrasound seen a sac, and said it was kinda to early to see anything showed me the sac...I'm like ok scheduled me to do a vag ultrasound on the 26th..today! Doctor didn't see anything and asked was I even pregnant..I just cried ..I had my first baby at 32 weeks..he passed due to a rare heart condition! I feel so bad, hurt, angry at myself just ugh! Now they want me to go in next week to see wats going on...I'm like wats the point..you already told me nothing is there..! Other doctor shocked cause he just looked and said there is no sign of miscarriage..and I see the sac..no bleeding nothing changed in 2 days..and it was over..! I'm just ugh!! Has this happened to anyone?...

Now I just wiped and this was there!