New to TTC

This is my first month TTC and I’m felling very defeated. I have had PCOS since I was 15 so 5 years now. I have been told by doctor after doctor that it will be extremely hard for my to have a baby on my own as I have cysts all over my ovaries. I have had battle after battle inside my head beating myself up since I was 15. Ever since I was little I dreamed about being a mom. I love kids. It breaks my heart not knowing. My sister in law got pregnant about 3 months before my wedding and after that everything was about her. My wedding didn’t matter to anyone on his side anymore. And listening to her talk about it and post all the time just keeps ripping open the same spot in my heart that I keep trying to close up. I can’t help but envy her for having something I long to have. My doctor gave me 8 months to try for a baby before I have to see a fertility doctor. I’m beyond scared for what will happen. Any tips and tricks to help me along this journey would be greatly appreciated!