Suspected Ectopic, long spotting- now positive test?


So, my last period was may 25th, I found out a couple weeks after I was pregnant. Slow hcg incline had my doctor saying it was non viable, my first blood draw at roughly 6w (july 5) had me at 615, started bleeding a little (mostly spotting, brown) 10 days later. Second blood draw on the 21 of july had me up to 3900. Still spotting, had bleeding then a clot that looked like pregnancy tissue, bleeding stopped. On the 27th of July I had blood work done- 2577.

Was booked for an ultrasound on the 3rd of august, u/s saw a shadowy area in one tube, but they were confident I had passed the pregnancy entirely, at which time they told me my hcg level was 1600. I have not been back for blood work since, but have not had an actual period yet either. We are now exactly 3w+4d from that 1600 count. The drop of 1000hcg in the week between each draw (21-27-3rd) says I should’ve worked the hcg out of my system by now right? Well today since I still have not seen a real period I tested, faint line, but more pronounced than my first cheapy for this past pregnancy. (Which I discovered 3 days before expected period).

Do you think this is a new pregnancy? Or residual hcg?