Just why 😩


So I’m 36 weeks and 3 days pregnant and had my first labor scare. I went to the restroom after bouncing on my yoga ball and noticed a small gush of fluid, but I just brushed it off and went to lay down. An hour and a half later I start having contractions, so I’m like oh this is serious, I go to the bathroom and noticed that I’m still leaking fluid. I call the on call nurse and she tells me to go to l&d so I’m like okay this is really happening today. I get all checked in and settled into triage then go to the bathroom and notice my underwear is now completely soaked. The nurse comes in with the little q-tip test and I’m still having contractions while we wait for the results. Test comes back negative and turned out it was just discharge that was leaking and I was having false labor contractions 🥲 y’all I felt sooo dumb 😅 went home and of course it was all done and over with as soon as I get home. Like the contractions were so bad in the beginning it felt like I was gonna 💩 myself so that’s why I thought it was the real deal, but nope just my body being dramatic as always.