37 weeks 2 days! Opinions??

So last Wednesday last week I started to dilate to 2CM I have been loosing my plug since 09 August and I am still continuing to loose it. I had very bad pelvic pain my baby went back to back and was laying on my siatic nerve,I took myself to my triage to be checked out. They put me straight on the labour ward and kept me in until Friday night they discharged me with codine for pain relief for the pelvic pain. They wouldn’t induce me because I was only 36 weeks + so many days when this was happening. I can’t walk much and find it extremely painful to be mobile.

Yesterday I took myself back to hospital in so much pain with the loss of baby movements all day so yesterday night I went back to be checked I felt the baby move on the monitor twice the midwife came in and said it was completely fine and took the monitor off me. I told her I wasn’t agreeing as it was only the 2nd time I had felt her move that entire day she just said the ecg was fine. She tested my pee and it came up with lots of key tones in and protein in it also something called laxloutive (can’t spell it no idea of how you even say it) she just said she had sent it too the lab. She gave me no update and told me I could go home.

This is my 3rd pregnancy I’m 2cm dilated in a lot of pain with pelvic pain is there anyway they can induce me one midwife says they can and another one don’t agree with the other. I can’t win... I’m currently 37 2 days today can anybody help speed up labour or suggest I do anything? I’m at a midwife appointment tomorrow with my actual midwife any advice would be great.