

Everyone says you'll know if they're contractions but I don't understand! 😂 I'm 39w 4d and had a membrane sweep done around 11am. Dr said I'm 3cm 80% and baby is -1. I'm getting all the cramps that feel exactly like period cramps. But what I'm wondering is, can a contraction feel like period cramps but with the same painless belly tightening as a Braxton Hick? Or are these just normal cramps from the sweep? I also get a bit of a lower back ache. And I'm losing (TMI) little orange -ish chunks (I assuming mucus plug which I've already lost 2 other times now lol) So far I haven't focused on timing anything because it doesn't seem regular. This is my first pregnancy due the 3rd (induction set the 10th) and any help would be greatly appreciated 😅

Just an update: They stopped and I haven't had anything like it since. He's still hanging on lol.