Age gap (mom hates bf)

I'm 15 and my boyfriends 21 , I love him dearly .. We've been together for 5 months , in the beginning my mom found out I was talking to him (we were actually dating though she thought we were just talking) I told her I would stop talking to him , I told her 2 months later that I never stopped talking to him and I want to be with him she hated/hates the idea .. She met him he comes around my family but she still hates the idea of it me and him are always supervised she tells everyone he's jus my friend when hanging out .. Not completely supervised but we're not allowed to go in the room only the living room , the only time we get alone time together is when I lie to my mom saying I'm gunna sleep over a friends house and end up sleeping at his .. We have sex a lot and my mom thinks I'm a virgin . I wanna come clean about everything but I think she will no longer trust me , but she says she just wants to understand me and what I'm feeling , I feel like I can be open with her but I don't think she'll let me go anywhere alone again . What do I do ?