TTC question about period and potentially being pregnant ?


So my husband and I have been TTC for almost two years. We have had 2 miscarriages along the way and have seen a urologist for him and he was diagnosed with a form of unexplained infertility due to his sperm not swimming forward. I mean some of them do but they said <a href="">IUI</a> would be our only option.

Anyways we tried like crazy this month… I was about 2 days late and had light pink spotting. Then medium ish bleed for less than 24 hours… I have noticed in the last 4 days my taste for items I normally love, the food just makes me want to vomit and taste of other things just are completely off. I looked it up it says increased estrogen and it said potentially pregnant.

I guess my question is has any of you ladies had a period and happened to be pregnant and how common is this ? Should I even waste the money on a test ? I’m not to sure what to do and taking pregnancy tests and seeing those constant negatives is very hard on me after so long of a time of trying.

Thank you for your responses in advance.