Break up or stay??

My boyfriend of 3 months lately has been ignoring things I say and won’t say anything at all or waits awhile and changes the subject

I’ve said I love you TWICE in the last 2 days

He doesn’t say it back

He sent a pic and he looked upset

I said everything ok? You look sad, is it because I’m not with you? I’m kidding

He said I’m fine just have resting bitch face 🤷‍♂️

I ask how his days going but he lately doesn’t ask it back

We had a small argument and he changed his relationship status to single and said he’d change it back once he knew him disappearing on me for 30+ or more wasn’t making me mad and I wasn’t mad in the first place I just asked him to take 2 seconds to say hello to me so I didn’t feel ignored, so I have just stopped messaging him when I notice he’s MIA and have stuck to that for weeks

Tonight I asked if he had any plans to change it back?

He read it and 40 mins went by no response, despite being active on messenger

So I said I was just kidding FYI

he immediately responded and said sorry watching YouTube

I asked what he was doing earlier and he said nothing I said can I see your handsome face? he used to send pics ASAP I waited 20 mins for it and the one he sent he was hunkered down in his garage Iol which was odd

He also told me to quit asking for reassurance which I’ve done like a handful of times

As a woman who’s come out of a very toxic abusive relationship 8 months ago, I told him early on it’s helpful for me to have reassurance and he said doesn’t need to anymore it’s annoying to him

Should I Stay or leave?

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