Random loss of Appetite


Have any of you ever had a random loss of appetite? I haven’t had much of one for about 3 days now. The first day I didn’t eat much, then later on my boyfriend and I went out to a Mexican restaurant and I took about 3 bites of my food before I was sick of it, granted I did eat chips and salsa too. I didn’t eat for the rest of the day after that.

The second day I was a little bit hungry so we ate that morning and then later at night I was starting to get a bit hungry again so we ate dinner.

Today is the third day and I figured everything was going back to normal but I had to make myself eat something because I hadn’t all day, I’m not sure what the cause of this is, I thought maybe it was because I’ve been so stressed recently.

I called my grandmother and told her about it and all she did was ask if I was “worried about losing weight”