Offically 1 day past due date


Well yesterday was my due date with baby girl #3. I totally thought I was going into labor last night around 9pm, started having contractions that came every 5-6 minutes lasting anywhere from 30sec to 1 minute. This went on until about 11pm and then completely stopped😭😢I was so sad!!! I was getting so excited, I even took a shower and they didn’t go away in the shower like they have been the past week. This is about the 3rd time this is happened over the past week but last night they were more consistent, definitely way stronger, and lasted longer. I was totally thinking it’s going to be go time!!!🤣

So here I am on Labor Day….sitting on my couch praying for some more labor signs today😅

I have been dailated to 2cm and 60% effaced since about 37 weeks. Anyone else experiencing this? With my first two girls I never had any pre labor, it was as soon as contractions started my labor was started and they arrived at least 24hrs after.