Husband got a vasectomy!


My husband is truly great and when we got pregnant with our 3rd child we both agreed we are done having children. I have always had a horrible time with birth control no matter what kind I tried. I always gained like 20+ lbs and it always killed my normally high sex drive. One day when I was like 20 weeks pregnant he tells me he is going to get a vasectomy so that I don't have to suffer with birth control anymore. I told him I could go on birth control again or get a tubal ligation. He told me no he wanted to do this for me because he knows how horrible I feel on BC and even though he loves me and is still really attracted to me he knows I hate how much I weigh and how I look and he doesn't want me to feel even worse bc we both know I'll gain weight going on BC. He got his vasectomy almost a month ago and I absolutely love that he did that for me! I am almost 5 months pp and I feel so good not being on BC. I'm actually 10lbs less than when I conceived our 3rd baby and my swx drive is back to my normal. We are still using condoms until he gets the all clear from a semen sample test at 3 months post vasectomy. We are both really looking forward to not having to worry about condoms, BC, or getting pregnant! Vasectomies are seriously great and he barely had any pain!