Am I an asswhole for saying the truth?

So my friend was complaining about her ex, but I'm at the point where she just annoys me bc she won't listen to my advice, not just my advice but everyone's. At this point the girl is struggling bc she wants to. Her ex is an RN and before they split up he made her sign a letter releasing him from all financial responsibilities. A letter he wrote, and she truly believes it's valid. She claims that she doesn't need the help but she also relies on public assistance for food and child care, she rents a room at a elderly couple's house for $500 a month. Her baby was born right before covid hit and she took advantage of EDD and the extra $600 until she ran out of unemployment benefits. She calls me with her typical "I need a favor, bc you know im a single mom" a few times a year. After her benefits stopped, she asked me for work and I ended up hiring her bc I really needed staff. One day out of the blue she tells me she's no longer going to work bc she's going back to school and she leaves. A week after she calls me again.. "I need a favor" she applied for a personal loan and she wanted me to tell the lender that she was still employed with us and that she could cover the monthly payments. -I'm not going to lie I was kinda upset about her request so I said "I can only refer them to HR bc I'm not allowed to give any sort of info on former or current staff members". A few weeks passed by, and she calls me asking for part time. I didn't hire her this time. I've hired her 3 times before. Fast forward she came to my place yesterday and she's telling me how she had to take the loan to pay for another loan, and how she's having to leave her daughter at her moms for 10 day to 2 weeks in a row bc she needs to finish her GED, and how she has to live out of frozen food because cooking is too expensive. She also has WIC so her basics are already taken care of. She keeps saying how she needs a bigger place bc she can't fit on that one room anymore, but how is convinient for her to stay there bc the old lady watches her daughter while she goes out with a friend, and that she really doesn't have the deposit for a new place. In a 360 turn she goes "I'm not going to ask for child support! I don't need it, I can give my daughter everything she wants all by myself! I have 2k left from the loan saved up for emergencies and I already have everything else figured out" blah, blah, blah... so I had enough and I went -do you have $1,600 a month for a one bd apt for you and your daughter? Do you have enough to cover for groceries? Can you pay water, electricity, car insurance, health insurance, gas, internet, daycare, clothes, shoes and entertainment ALL BY YOURSELF?? Can you cover all of this every month? If you can, I'm your biggest fan, more power to you. But if you don't, you should just accept the fact that he's not taking you back and he wants nothing to do with his daughter and file for child support.- She was really upset, she told me that I was being a jelous bitch bc she was going on vacation to Cancun (first time she ever mentions this trip). I just said "maybe I am, or maybe I'm just tired of listening to your nonsense" her daughter finished up the soup I made for them and they left without saying a word. Was I wrong???!

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