Just ranting because I’m so annoyed😒


So I don’t have many friends and my partner is in a different country.

My 12 week scan is tomorrow and my friend of 10 years invited herself. From like 2 weeks ago. She said whenever you get a date I’ll be there no matter what. I was like aww that’s sweet of you okay but if you can’t don’t worry about it, I don’t want my stress falling on you. She reassured me it’s all good, date and time is fine and doesn’t clash with her work schedule cus she has a day off that day.

Bit of a backstory…

I went for a private scan at 6 weeks, invited my best friend who’s house I was staying at (we’re no longer friends). She made a big deal and was on some you want me to leave my house? I’m not leaving the house for nobody… so I was like cool. Bear in mind she was there when I found out I was pregnant and told me she wants to be the Godmother and all that shit. The day of the scan she proceeded to cuss me out for not telling her I was going to my scan… She called me weird for paying for a scan so early… so yeah we are no longer friends, I went by myself. After that I was like I won’t ask anyone for anything in regards to my child AGAIN.

Fast forward to now where this other friend has invited herself to my 12 week scan… she cancelled on me just now and made some excuse about it being her only day off so she doesn’t want to come. She’s had her rota for weeks now, she already told me everything is fine. It’s like if you knew you weren’t going to come all along why wait last minute to tell me? Maybe somebody else could’ve came with me you know. SHE LITERALLY INVITED HERSELF AND CREATED THAT COMMITMENT. Like people are so selfish and inconsiderate. Both people know my situation, how I’m estranged from my mother, it’s my first pregnancy, my partners in a different country and I’ve been struggling mentally for the past year or so. I literally have no female I can lean on or ask questions and they’ve both been pregnant before yet have offered no advice and support just broken promises and insults.

I’m just fed up of people trying to make themselves something in my child’s life calling themselves godmother and aunty but don’t even show up. I’m frustrated and so fucking over people.

That’s it really, thanks for reading.