It’s a girl!!


So after finally agreeing to be induced (due to GD and baby measuring big) I went in to be induced on SATURDAY!! A beautiful girl was born 6th September at 3.24 weighing only 7lb 12oz!!

For anyone that knows my story I was putting off being induced for many reasons such as my daughter starting school, not wanting an august baby (it sucks being youngest), cat MoT die, cats appointments, a home visits, house renovating etc 🙄…. I’m so glad I did!! I’m not saying it was the easiest birth because my god I was so close to walking out of hospital on about 10 occasions because I was fed up of not progressing and just basically sitting round but finally she is here and she was no where near the birth weight they were worried about. At 36 weeks they estimated her to be 7lb 4oz and yet 3.5 weeks later she was only 7lb 12oz. My labour was intense and long because my body was NOT ready for it and if I ever have another child I will not be induced for any reason other than a medically necessary one and even then I’d probably choose a c section. I was having 1/2 minute contractions approximately every 2/3 minutes for several hours. My body was trying to push her out when I was only 5cm dilated and I was exhausted after being in first stage labour for nearly three days before that. She got stuck when pushing and I struggled with having so little energy, the cord was round her neck and it was like a hospital horror scene as the button was pushed and like 10+ midwives and doctors rushed in. But…. she is perfect and calm as can be and no complications from the birth or pregnancies (same for me—-woo no stitches 🫣)

Trust that you body can do it ladies!! Doctors don’t always know what they are taking about. I wish I had waited for her to come when she was ready now ☹️