How soon did your belly button go to an outie with your second compared to your first?

Kendra • "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Also when did your belly pop and when did you feel kicks? I’m super curious about your experiences!

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Posted at
I didn't get an outie until like 33ish weeks my 1st I showed around 25weeks my 2nd around 18weeks & 3rd I showed at like 14 weeks lol and kicks was 20 weeks, 18, & 22...


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I never got a full outie with my daughter just the top part of my belly button poked out 🥴 but this time I give it until I’m about 26-27 weeks, I’ll be 24 weeks Saturday


falling ethel • Sep 7, 2022
With my daughter I felt kicks around 26 weeks due to an anterior placenta and this time I felt kicks starting at 15 weeks


Posted at
My belly button never went to an outie with my daughter. 31 weeks tomorrow with baby 2 and still no outie


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Never had an outie with either. My second was a much bigger baby so it just kinda flattened.


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my belly button never fully went back in from my first pregnancy. it always did poke out at the top a bit. stayed the same way with my second and pregnant with third and it’s the same. I started to feel flutters around 13-14 weeks with my second. I’m in tune with my body and it was flutters for sure.


Posted at
My belly button never went out, it just got flat.