5 weeks horrible cramps


I woke up from sleep last night with horrible cramping. It scared the crap out of me- never had this with either of my boys. Called my OB and they fit me in and did an US (knowing it’s too soon for heartbeat or anything like that but to r/o issues) and we did see an intrauterine sac but nothing wild at just 5 weeks 1 day. He said exactly as expected this early. I also have a 4cm cyst on my right ovary which I had with both my kids so not shocking. I guess I thought I’d be relieved?

They took blood for hcg and progesterone just to monitor but he wasn’t overly concerned… but somehow now I am even more concerned waiting on these labs!!! I know it’s out of my control and I’m grateful it’s not ectopic (my main concern with that cramping) but I have a nagging feeling… he said anything 1000 or above he won’t be concerned. Anyone else had labs early? What we’re results? Seems like range is big at this point for hcg or progesterone and they’ll redraw next week to be sure it’s going up if there’s concern. This is all new to me as I never had any scan/labs before 8 weeks in prior pregnancies.. appreciate any input!