No symptoms around 5weeks

So I’ve took a few pregnancy that’s recently that have come out positive but not a blazing positive more faint but definitely visible and I’ve also done a digital one to confirm.

I’m very irregular so I must of been off for my timing when I ovulated as when I took a test originally when it should of showed up it was negative.

Anyway, I have literally no symptoms my breasts are the slightest bit tender they were a bit more sore the other day but I’ve read they can fluctuate.

I’ve not got much cm but my cervix is high and soft.

I’ve not had any morning sickness or anything.

This just worries me as I’ve been pregnant twice before and both times I knew cause of how sore my breast a were, I have one daughter and the other pregnancy ended up in early misscarraige.

Has anyone else had next to no symptoms and had a healthy pregnancy?

I did ring up rhe hospital about this but they won’t do bloods or anything until first midwife app which could be weeks away.

Thanks in advance