So now what...

We are five months in with one vial left. I feel like we are running out of time, money and sperm haha. We are looking to have more tests done, lots of blood work and ultra sounds, so we can figure out why this isn't working. I am feeling so discouraged. If we go one more round, which would be 6 months of <a href="">IUI</a>, we are taking a break until April. Which seems like 100 years away. 
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Posted at
Thank you Jackie. I agree that it is not that successful and I feel like they pretend it is. They make you feel like this could totally happen in a few tries, we were originally told 3-4 and now suddenly it is more like 7-8. We are starting the process of blood work to make sure my levels are right. Then we are off for a ultrasound and then what I have refered to as the "blow out", the HSG test. Strangely my wife thinks that weird to call it that. I think we are on our way to a break as well. I need a month of not counting or peeing on sticks. I wish there was more I could do it that this was easier.&nbsp;


Jackie • Dec 25, 2015
It's such a hard roller coaster without any easy options. I hope your blood work and HSG go well and that you get pregnant soon. I got pregnant after the HSG, but had an early miscarriage. Keep taking good care of yourself and your wife. ❤️


Posted at
I'm sorry, Danielle. My wife and I are in a similar situation of having done six ultimately unsuccessful IUI's and are currently taking a few month break, mainly due to the stress of it all. The truth is that IUI just isn't very effective with frozen sperm, even if everything is perfect. I'm going to try another round or two with fertility medication and taking progesterone during the second half, as I had my levels tested and the pg was low. If that doesn't work, we are considering IVF (soooooo expensive) or perhaps finding some fresh sperm. Hang in there- you are not alone in this challenging process!