My daughter couldn't wait till September


On August 29 @ 1230 am my water broke and I got to the hospital at 830 am . I had preterm rupture of membrane again but at 36 weeks this time. I went to my obgyn office and waited for instruction to go home or go to labor and delivery. I was going up to labor and delivery. They checked me and said I was one cm and fifty percent effaced. Iv hooked up ultrasound bloodwork questions and then surgeon came in and said 1045 we go for your csection. By 1123am my daughter Avery Rosemarie was born at 6lbs 8 oz and 18 3/4 inches. She was perfectly healthy and I got to do skin to skin. Surgery took longer due to adhesions on my uterus from my first csection and also had some hemorrhaging. But overall everything turned out fine. She was in the room with us the entire time besides for her bloodwork and carseat test. It was so much less stress having my baby right there next to me than in the nicu .Her big brother was premie at 32 weeks & 6 days with a three week nicu stay. But both my son and daughter are thriving and healthy .#2under2