Foley ballon removed 😮‍💨😬❤️


I got my ballon inserted around 130am they removed it at 6:30am , I’m 5cm dilated 🥰 so far it’s still team natural my contractions haven’t picked up since removing ( it’s only been an hour ) but hope babe don’t need assistance the entire way through !!

The ballon is definitely uncomfortable I went ok with inserting but the contractions and not being comfortable laying on my side bc it literally feels like something is wedge in you ( lol it is but it’s a weird feeling ) 😮‍💨 they gave me medicine to sleep I tried to goto sleep on my own but just couldn’t and know I needed to rest from being up since 11 so far everything’s ok !! I dont think I’m ready for the intense contractions though !! 😬😬🤞🏾