Pregnant and step kid acting out in scary ways

Sydney • Wife❤️Bonus Mom & Mom ❤️

So before we got pregnant my husbands adopted daughter came to live with us because the biological mother was at her wits end ( kid had been in and out of juvenile detention, writing death threats, running away) along with making allegations against anyone she came into contact with. The courts ordered her out of the mothers home and either into our care or foster care. Obviously I said she should come here. Jump forward to months of difficulties and my strong desire and belief in gentle parenting only to have this kid put my husband and I through more difficulties than I even thought possible. We are now expecting in April and she has taken a turn for the terrifying.

The biological mother has a new baby and she has become HIGHLY aggressive towards the baby ( always finds a way to injure it). My husband thinks I might be over reacting but I’m genuinely terrified she might try to hurt me or the baby. She writes extremely descriptive murder plots in her diary against everyone, is abusive towards our animals.. idk what to do… I have her in therapy and I hate to believe a 14 yr old girl would harm an innocent but I don’t know what else to think. I’m now almost terrified to confront her on bad behavior as she will get in your face and has a history of physical violence.

What should I do?!