Advice for breaking almost 5 year old nervous habit

My daughter is almost 5 and she has developed a habit of sticking her tongue out and waving it around when she’s nervous or excited. For example if someone is directly talking to her asking her questions in between answering she will stick her tongue out and wave it around or if she’s singing and I compliment her she will get excited and do it. It’s becoming so constant it’s driving me crazy. I remind her all the time to keep her tongue in her mouth and I was gentle about it at first but now I’m getting frustrated with it because it’s so often and I feel like I’m telling her all day to keep her tongue in her mouth. It’s become like an automatic thing like she’s not thinking about it just doing it. Any advice to stop this?? She generally communicates extremely well and she’s very smart, she just tends to get anxious sometimes especially when she is put “on the spot” and has developed this thing now.