Snapchat spotlight

So I was using my husband's phone to take pictures of my kids at the local fair. I was on snapchat and accidently clicked the play button on the bottom right corner. I have snapchat but have never used this feature before so I still don't understand what it is. What showed up made me a little concerned it was just a bunch of videos you can scroll through of girls looking sexy in very little clothing. I went onto my phone when I got back to the car and looked at mine and it didn't have anything like that, just random videos of crafts and people making food etc. Why was his half naked chick's? Is it because he's a guy and snapchat just assumes those are the videos he wants to see? He doesn't talk to other girls on there.. anyway. I asked him about it...and kinda assumed he must've been watching it and he freaked out told me F You and he hates his life. Started crying and yelling at me that he would never do that. That snapchat set him up or something or that our 1 year old who watching YouTube TV on his phone must've clicked stuff. I was just like what is going on. The reaction alone was wierd because I was really calm . I just don't know what to think. I dropped it and just wanna get over it but it bothered me because I've been lied to alot in the past and just wondering if anyone knows if that's just standard videos that come on snapchat spotlight or what

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His reaction told you everything. Especially if you simply asked him about it and didn't accuse him.


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lol Snapchat like any other social media platform, doesn’t just assume ppl likes things. It’s called an algorithm, those apps will show you videos on your feed based on what the person searches up and the types of accounts they interact with.So, your man is definitely looking at/doing shit, if you saw that on his account.


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His reaction alone is telling. I don’t have half naked girls on my Snapchat thing 🙃 so that says a lot 🤷🏼‍♀️


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stop being in-denial. you know it’s what he was looking at


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I honestly have never looked at that before lol but I just went on mine and it makes zero sense to me🤷🏻‍♀️ the very first one was a bunch of barely dressed girls cramming into a car with the camera on their asses. Then there was cutting spaghetti noodles with some kind of machine, a girl in a bikini doing I don’t even know what, something with a lizard and blue water. I’m pregnant and don’t watch videos and stuff often, I don’t click on any of the random videos on Snapchat, I rarely even watch people’s stories anymore. I basically just use it to send stuff to my husband. If it was actually tailored to what I view it would have been a ton of pregnancy/baby related stuff and pasta videos. It could go two ways here. One, it had nothing for him and just compiled a random list of videos that happened to be women, and you accuse him of cheating often and he’s tired of it so that’s where his reaction came from. Or two, you caught him and he’s embarrassed.


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If he clicks on that stuff even if he doesn’t watch it it’ll start popping up on his snap it does on mine lol even if it’s stuff on tiktok bc it’s connected to my snap


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so i didn’t know this was a thing but i went to look at mine and it’s all beauty stuff whiiiich on the “discover” page under your friends stories i ONLY click on the beauty stories... soooo i’d say it’s an algorithm & it’s showing videos based on what he typically looks at