How old was baby when you felt comfortable with them walking instead of stroller?

The nanny that takes care of our daughter (14 months) and our friends daughter (7 months) has suggested that instead of using a double stroller which is annoying for her due to some logistics (theres 5 steps in front of our place), to have the younger baby in a single stroller and to have our daughter walk along side her holding hands. We live in a metropolitan area where you walk everywhere. If she needs to run an errand, if they go to the park, or whatever, they walk, cross roads that arent empty, etc . I feel like shes still so young? Our winters are cold and rainy! What if she doesnt want to walk one day like a normal toddler? What if shes tired? What if its cold and they gotta get home fast ?

Am i overthinking and underestimating my almost 15 month old or is this too much to expect from her so young?

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