TTC w/ Letrozole

Hey everyone so me & my husband are TTC I have pcos so my cycles are long sometimes I skip a month & sometimes don’t ovulate my progesterone was 0.26 so my doctor prescribed provera to induce my period but I didn’t take it I took it upon myself to start myo/chiro inositol along with other vitamins & I was able to ovulate on my own got my progesterone to 9.86 which my doctor confirmed I ovulated (very late in my cycle which is why I think I didn’t conceive) & I also started my period naturally so I just started letrozole yesterday was put on 2.5mg for 5 days but after research I took it upon myself to take 5mg instead for better chances I think I have a chance since I was able to ovulate & start my period on my own fingers crossed 🤞🏽

Comment your experience with letrozole & come with me on my journey 🥰