Help! Advice please!

Ok y’all I am literally 5+1 today and I told my mom I was pregnant over the weekend. Only really close family, a couple of friends, and a couple of people at my job know. My first ultrasound is the 29th and I was waiting to announce to everyone else until October. WELL MY MOTHER decided to make a post on Facebook about a baby crib that she tagged my name as the entire caption. People have already seen and commented. I also feel like it’s VERY obvious that I am pregnant now because we did have to make my miscarriage in December public after telling people I was pregnant. I am extremely upset but my mother loses her mind and absolutely treats me like shit every time I try to put up boundaries with things like this. Please I need some advice on how to handle this. I feel hysterical right now but she basically just announced I’m pregnant and people are already commenting.