Soft markers for Down syndrome on my baby

Emily • One miscarriage at 10weeks pregnant 08-7-16 Had my rainbow baby 01-17-18 Jaxson Joseph 💜 Pregnant again 2021❤️❤️

Last week I went for an ultrasound and they told me they saw white spots on the baby’s heart , an almost normal amount of fluid in the babies heart and a thickened notch, they sent me home scared and confused and had to go to a fetal med appointment today with a specialist still haven’t given me clear answers, basically the fluid in the brain is elevated but it’s still measuring normal, between 7.5-8.5 they did not see the deposit on his heart that the last tech said she seen and his heart looks super normal, the only real issue here is the thickened notch which is measuring at 6.7mm when it should be below 5mm which is just at this point making me high risk but nothing is certain Especally cuz everything looks ok but things can develop over time so they want me back in 2 weeks to check again, I have to go get a blood test tomorrow which is 99% accurate to tell me weather or not the baby could possibly have it for sure since I’m refusing the amnio