He’s arrived!! After a very long induction.


Baby Isaac is here, he’s so precious. He had a hard time joining us though! Posting story under this photo

Arrived at 7:30 am Monday morning

Was 2 cms and chose cervidil as induction method

Contractions started around noon and picked up more and more. I was checked around 5pm and was at 3cm but could stretch to 5cm, so I had hope. Continued feeling hard contractions until 7pm

I was attempting a pain medication free labor and birth. But by this time I was exhausted from breathing through the contractions.

At 6 I was checked and not progressed at all. Dr gave me the options of breaking my water, starting pitocin or waiting for a few more hours. I chose to wait, but by 10pm nothing had changed, I was emotionally and physically drained and discouraged.

I was over breathing through the pain and husband rubbing my back for nothing to have progressed so after chatting with friends about what they thought would be a good way to go I chose to start pitocin and get the epidural.

I instantly felt better and slept. Around 4am I was checked and again nothing had happened. I was helped to the bathroom because the epidural waswasreally strong and felt very light headed and nauseous. They decided to stop pitocin because baby and I weren’t responding well to it. Dr came in the morning around 7am and we decided to go ahead and break my water. I laid with a peanut ball in 3 positions for the next 4 hours and next time I was checked I was fully dilated! I cried tears of joy. I pushed hard for 30 minutes, baby wasn’t descending well, dr thought his shoulders were stuck and said I may need forceps or vacuum but said I could push a few more times and see if I could do it without. I gave it everything I had and the nurses dr and my husband all encouraged me to keep going, he came out, face first instead of chin tucked. The cord was also wrapped around his neck and body and that’s why he decelled with contractions and wouldn’t come out easy. I am so relieved he’s here. Felt like such a long process. Baby number 3 most difficult labour!