Just need a bit of a vent and some advice

Jolanda • Mommy of Olivia 👧 and 🤰with baby #2

So I'm 38w today with baby #2, I was let go from my job back in May due to layoffs.

Throughout my pregnancy I've been applying for jobs and interviewing, as I was the main breadwinner in our household. So yesterday morning, I finally get the news that the company I've been interviewing with since end of July wants me and I got the job!

I was straight forward with them about my pregnancy from the beginning and I said I'm willing to start right after baby is born as I will have hubby and my MIL with me for at least a month to help out. It will be tight, I know, but unfortunately it has to be done, we need this income very badly.

So here comes the crap... This baby is huge! As in already closing in on 9lb according to my OB at our check up yesterday. He didn't want to give me a sweep and stretch (I did request one) as he says he is only comfortable doing it from 39w... Then at the end of our consultation he says he now feels strongly we should medically rather consider a c-section due to the size of baby and as I've had one previously. But the 6 week recovery for me was hell last time - stitches tore open, got infection etc and my body overall didn't do well with the epidural...

The company wants me to start now in Oct and it is a work from home type job, and like I said, we really, really need the income - we're on the verge of losing everything and we live very far from family, so can't exactly pack up a leave...

I now feel like I need to choose between the wellbeing of my family, spending some time with my son and my own health and recovery. Coz God knows when my OB would now want to do the C-section if he is only willing to give me a sweep next week... Did I mention I really, really wanted a VBAC 😔 as this is my last pregnancy.

Any advice would be appreciated