Messed up epidural.

Alexis • Mama to a beautiful baby girl 🍼🌸🎀 Baby boy due Sept 2022💙

Castiel Alexander arrived on the 13th via induction.

He’s so calm and such a happy boy!

On another note my induction didn’t go to well due to the epidural. I was told I needed Pitocin to help the contractions and that I should get ahead of the pain and get an epidural. The anesthesiologist accidentally put the needle in to far and pierced my spinal membrane causing me to have spinal fluid leak out. I ended up losing feeling from the neck down to regaining 100% feeling before pushing out baby boy. I’ve never felt pain like this. From a swollen neck to not being able to stand up I went to the er for hours for them to tell me to lay flat for 12hrs. That didn’t work so I have to go into labor and delivery tomorrow to have a blood patch.

Anyways. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions but I am thankful my boy is healthy.