Kids only want mama, never dad


Our kids are now 6 and 3. I understood when they were babies and toddlers, especially through the breastfeeding (I breastfed until they were both 2)

But now it’s still been a whole year of only wanting me for everything and my husband is starting to resent it and show less and less effort to engage.

Bed time is the worst! We’ve tried many approaches but both kids want me. 3 year old waits now until I’m done with 6 year old (because she still naps and goes to bed after him) and she has lots of behaviors and disruptive. We tried for a whole week have dad carry her into her room and try very hard to engage and play with her. She screamed bloody murder every night until I was done with our son.

They want to both only play with me on the playground or at home. Get them a snack… everything. Sit and cuddle with them. If dad tries to cuddle, 3 year old screams no dad!!

The only way dad can take over is if I leave.

I swear especially for bedtime it’s turned into a competition and they both want me and it’s a sibling battle

Any advice?