Feeding struggles


I have been exclusively pumping for my 12 week old since breastfeeding wasn’t working for us. While it’s nice to be able to see how much milk he is taking in, he has always been difficult to feed and we have been having struggles getting him to gain weight at the rate the pediatrician would like (he is still steadily gaining, but isn’t sticking with the curve). We discovered a few weeks ago that he was suffering from silent reflux and have started him on treatment for that. He is a much more content baby now! At first we thought his feeding issues had been solved too. He was taking in a solid 3+ oz per bottle and wasn’t pulling away and fussing like he had been. Now I feel like we are backsliding. We have been fortifying his breast milk with formula for the extra calories per our pediatrician’s recommendation and for the past couple days it has been a struggle again to get him to take a full bottle. I am stressing myself sick about it. I know if he was feeding at the breast I wouldn’t see his intake, and I can’t tell if seeing those numbers is helping or hurting me right now. Has anyone else dealt with a similar situation? Other than this he is a generally happy healthy baby. I just never had these issues with my oldest, he had significant reflux as well, but was a “happy spitter” and never had issues with eating.